Sunday 11 June 2023

World Day Against Child Labour 2023 observed on 12 June

 World Day Against Child Labour, observed on June 12th, aims to inspire a global movement against child labour. With the slogan “Social Justice for All. End Child Labour!” in 2023, it highlights the connection between social justice and the eradication of child labour. The International Labour Organization initiated this event in 2002, turning it into an international occasion. Its purpose is to motivate individuals, organizations, and governments to combat child labour and work towards its permanent elimination.

 World Day Against Child Labour, observed on June 12th, aims to inspire a global movement against child labour. With the slogan “Social Justice for All. End Child Labour!” in 2023, it highlights the connection between social justice and the eradication of child labour. The International Labour Organization initiated this event in 2002, turning it into an international occasion. Its purpose is to motivate individuals, organizations, and governments to combat child labour and work towards its permanent elimination.

World Day Against Child Labour 2023 observed on 12 June_50.1

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