Sunday, 26 March 2023

Earth Hour 2023: All you need to know.

 Every year, people from all around the world participate in a global event known as “Earth Hour,” which aims to raise awareness about the challenges of climate change and promote energy conservation. During this event, organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), participants turn off all lights and electrical appliances in their homes and offices for an hour. The WWF hopes to mobilize as many people as possible to “Give an Hour for Earth” and create the largest hour of support and solidarity for the cause.

Earth Hour is an annual event that takes place on the last Saturday of March. This year, on March 25 at 8.30 pm local time, individuals, communities, and businesses around the world are being encouraged to turn off their lights for one hour and engage in activities that benefit the environment. To raise awareness about conservation efforts, WWF has enlisted the support of numerous local celebrity influencers, and various events have been planned for March 25. For example, in Mongolia, WWF will host a sustainable fashion show featuring upcycled clothing, while in Latvia, they will host their traditional Earth Hour concert and nature hikes.

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