Wednesday 15 February 2023

Indian Army Gets ‘World’s First’ Fully Operational SWARM Drone System.

 NewSpace Research, a Bengaluru-based start-up has delivered SWARM drones to Indian Army, which makes the Army the first major armed force in the world to operationalise these high-density SWARM drones. This delivery may possibly be the world’s first operational high density swarming UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) induction for military applications, especially given that most swarm drone research is yet to be operationalised across the world. The swarm of 100 drones is capable of hitting targets at least 50 kms away into enemy territory.

Indian Army Headquarters: New Delhi;
Indian Army Founded: 1 April 1895, India;
General Manoj Pande is the current Chief of Army Staff.

Indian Army Gets 'World's First' Fully Operational SWARM Drone System_40.1

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