Thursday, 23 February 2023

Central Excise Day 2023 observed on 24th February.

 Every year on February 24, Central Excise Day is observed to recognise and honour the contributions made by the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC). Every year, Central Excise Day is observed to raise public awareness of the dedication and labor-intensiveness of CBIC. The primary responsibility of CBIC is to prevent the tampering of manufactured items.

The agency hosts a number of programmes and events on Central Excise Day to raise public awareness of the value of paying taxes and abiding by customs procedures. On this day, CBIC also launches brand-new campaigns with a variety of topics across its offices all over India to raise awareness of the rules governing Central Excise and Customs.

Central Excise Day 2023 observed on 24th February_40.1 

Purpose of Central Excise Day

The purpose of Central Excise Day is to honour the commitment and hard work of the employees who fight to collect taxes, stop smuggling, and stop fraud. The day also draws attention to the part the department plays in fostering economic development. Every year, the day is observed throughout the nation to motivate excise department employees to carry out their tasks effectively across India in order to prevent corruption in the goods manufacturing sector and to ensure that other regulations are put into place to ensure the best excise services are offered.
History of Central Excise Day

From the starting of the civilisations, salt has been an important commodity. Salt was considered to be one of the sources of revenue by the native governments in India in various forms, such as excise duties, transit tax and much more. There was generally no uniformity in the matter of administrative control for the collection of salt revenue.

The Central Excise and Salt Act was passed on February 24, 1944, to make changes in the law related to salt and Central duties. In total, it was a combination of 11 Acts concerning the excise duties. In 1985, a Central Excise Tariff Act was introduced and it became a part of the old Central Excises and Salt Act. With effect from September 28, 1996, the Act was known as the Central Excise Act 1944.

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