Sunday 1 January 2023

Author of the Month December - Robin Sharma

 Robin Sharma is a Canadian writer, best known for his The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari book series.He worked as a litigation lawyer until age 25, when he self-published MegaLiving (1994), a book on stress management and spirituality. He initially also self-published The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, which was then picked up for wider distribution by HarperCollins. Sharma has published 12 other books, and founded the training company Sharma Leadership International.

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari tells the story of high-flying lawyer, Julian Mantle, who, after suffering from a heart attack in the middle of court, goes on a spiritual quest through the Himalayas and returns to impart his new-found wisdom on colleague and friend John, the narrator of the book.

An inspiring tale that provides a step-by-step approach to living with greater courage, balance, abundance and joy, readers are made privy to the changes Julian made to his life, and the way in which they aided his quest for eternally happiness. Dotted with wonderful, age-old fables, practical advice and moving tales from Julian’s first hand experience, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is an astounding, profound and powerful read that’s as beautiful as it is inspirational.,width-650,imgsize-551536,,resizemode-4,quality-100/robinsharma.jpg

Through 101 short chapters, Robin Sharma is insisting us to schedule things and to keep track of the schedule. He tells us to schedule time to love our beloved ones, friends, family, to enjoy nature, to do what we love to do, to spend time alone, and to read more and everything. Scheduling things, passion, yourself, discipline is all Robin Sharma focuses on in this book "Who will cry when you die"

Other works available in our Library..

Daily Inspiration.

The 5 AM Club

Stunning Success :Tools for action mastery

The Leader who had no Title.



The Greatness Guide.


Come and explore....



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